Your chance to learn from a very experienced flower farmer florist on how it's done. We supply the wedding and the expertise and you help, hands-on throughout the process. Learn how to organize and work quickly. I usually work alone. Most of my weddings are relatively small. Our training weekends are a bit larger than average. You will be working with Susan and Brent and 0-2 other apprentice.
We are located in the mountains NWNC a few miles from Boone, NC. The closest airports are Greensboro, NC, and Charlotte, NC (both are about 2 hour drives) You will have the option of visiting the farm before or after our wedding work days.
Start to finish, process, organize, selection, planning it all happens in the course of 2-4 days. Our $25 per day fee covers lunch etc. There is no other cost other than your own personal transportation, meal and lodging.
Susan will have a brief phone interview, so you know how we work, what to expect and schedule the actual days you'll be working. Call or email to sign-up [email protected] 828-297-4098 (landline)